Division is the natural complement to multiplication skills. Complete the division workout to master division facts and earn a certificate. For ages 8+.
The Incredibles are probably the world’s most relatable superheroes - so when we see Mr Incredible helping Dash with his maths homework, many of us will share his frustration. Here's the valuable maths lesson for parents to be found in the movie Incredibles 2.
Key dates for SEAG transfer test (which replaces both the GL and AQE tests) in Northern Ireland and EANI post primary transfer application timetable
Award winning home learning for ages 5 to 11 on tablet and laptop.
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In December, the EANI publishes the dates for the schools application process, and in January the schools publish their criteria for entry on the EANI website. Around this time, you should start thinking about which schools you might like to apply for.
Anxiety about numbers can affect any child and has a real impact on their ability to do maths. Get involved to provide solutions including calming techniques and appropriate practice to increase confidence and break the worry cycle.
Back to school is a chaotic time for families. This year I've set a few resolutions to help our family ease back into the routine.
Award winning home learning for ages 5-11 on tablet and laptop.
Back to school is a chaotic time for families. This year I've set a few resolutions to help our family ease back into the routine.
Just in time for summer day trips and long journeys, we round up the best maths games to keep kids (and adults) entertained and while away the hours. "Are we nearly there yet?" Next time you hear this, try some of these.
Award winning home learning for ages 5 to 11 on phone, tablet and laptop.
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