There are a range of educational approaches that can help overcome the challenges of this learning difference. At Komodo we’ll take on board your advice and assign a learning plan to meet the individual needs of your child.


Summer learning tips (that won't spoil your kids' summer)

Kids need to wind down, relax and have fun over the summer but also be prepared for the return to school in September. Find out how this busy mum walks the fine balance between summer fun and maintaining her kids learning level.


Introducing Komodo English!

We've taken our tried and tested maths app and reworked it to develop a comprehensive literacy learning programme, which offers Key Stage 1 and 2 children the opportunity to ignite a similar passion for learning English.


Watch your child's confidence and
ability in math grow with Komodo.

Award winning home learning for ages 5 to 11 on tablet and laptop.

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A Rugby World Cup-themed maths challenge for all the family. Here are 10 rugby maths questions, arranged in ascending difficulty. Suitable for 5 year olds to teenagers and grown ups.


How Wordle can help with maths anxiety

Wordle, which you might think is simply a word game, is actually a mathematical puzzle. Yes, it may use words and letters instead of numbers, and a wide vocabulary doesn't hurt, but the logic, strategy, probability and elimination processes we use to solve it are actually maths skills.


Mindset - the path to mastery

People who have a growth mindset believe that they always have the potential to learn and improve. They are more motivated to persevere with difficult tasks, to take risks and to learn from failure.


Confidence in math stays
with your child for life.

Award winning home learning for ages 5-11 on tablet and laptop.

Mindset - the path to mastery

People who have a growth mindset believe that they always have the potential to learn and improve. They are more motivated to persevere with difficult tasks, to take risks and to learn from failure.


Maths is springing up all over - maths activities for spring

Even though most of the world is currently confined indoors, spring is still bursting out all over and giving lots of different opportunities for maths learning! All of these activities can be done using gardens or pots at home, looking through windows, or on daily walks for exercise.


Watch your child's confidence and ability
in math and language arts grow with Komodo.

Award winning home learning for ages 5 to 11 on phone, tablet and laptop.

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