We hear a lot about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects opening the door to more career opportunities than ever before.
This year the Tour de France celebrates its 107th anniversary! And that's not the only big number associated with this famous race - take our quiz and find out more!
In Reception, children start to work with numbers in a range of different ways. They will be encouraged to be curious and explore numbers by playing number games, singing counting songs, making models as well as being introduced to the ideas of addition and subtraction.
Award winning home learning for ages 5 to 11 on tablet and laptop.
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After Reception, your Year 1 child will be ready for some amazing growth. For many children, Year 1 is the year that they bloom as readers and mathematicians. Get ready to support your child’s mathematical growth by learning about Year 1 maths skills.
The 38 Challenge is a 3 step practice activity that will help children towards achieving instant recall of times tables - and truly mastering this important foundational maths skill.
Welcome to Part 2 of our interactive series on telling the time. This is for children who are familiar with the clock and can already tell the time to the hour and half past. Our interactive exercises will take your child's time telling skills to the next level.
Award winning home learning for ages 5-11 on tablet and laptop.
Welcome to Part 2 of our interactive series on telling the time. This is for children who are familiar with the clock and can already tell the time to the hour and half past. Our interactive exercises will take your child's time telling skills to the next level.
Learning to tell the time can be difficult for children as it's a new concept that's not like anything else they've encountered in maths to date. This new resource features an interactive clock to practice skills and guides parents step by step through helping your child learn how to tell the time.
Award winning home learning for ages 5 to 11 on phone, tablet and laptop.
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