How to Update the Komodo app
( Current App Version 6.1 - launched Aug 23)
If you need to install for the first time on your device click here.
Remember, updating the Komodo app won't make you to lose your learning records!
Please choose the instructions for your device:
iPads & iPhones (IOS devices)
1. Click on the App Store icon:

2. Click on your Profile icon - icon at the top right of the screen (see below)
3. Scroll to see pending updates. Look for the Komodo app icon (below) and click "Update" or "Update all":

Android Tablets, Phones and Chromebooks.
1. Open the Google Play Store App by clicking the icon:

2. Tap Menu and then My apps & games.
3. Apps with an update available are labelled "Update."
4. Find the Komodo app (icon below) and tap "Update":

Macs and Windows
Simply download and re-install the new version over the existing version:
for Macs click here
for Windows click here