
For many children, first grade is the year that they bloom as readers and mathematicians. Get ready to support your child’s mathematical growth by learning about Grade 1 math skills.


Five Math Skills Your Child Will Learn in Kindergarten

While kindergarten may have changed since you were a child, it still forms the foundation of your child’s schooling. Find out what your child will learn in Kindergarten, including the basics of how numbers work, as well as addition and subtraction.


Top Tips to De-stress Teaching Your Children at Home

Homework can be hard enough to deal with - a source of stress, angst and tantrums for parents and children alike. And now we're being asked to supervise even more of our children's learning while schools are closed during the current pandemic.


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As we approached the runway I began to think about the pilots behind the closed cabin door and I was reassured by the thought that they were calm, collected and had the situation under control.


7 Tips to Boost Your Child's Concentration Skills

Concentration is the vital skill that gets stuff done. Here are our 7 tips to help parents boost their children's concentration skills.


Back to School - My New School Year Resolutions

The new school year has always felt more like a new year to me than January. A slightly chaotic mix of excitement and trepidation. So this year, I've set a few new (school) year resolutions to help ease us back into the busy school schedule.


Confidence in math stays
with your child for life.

Award winning home learning for ages 5-11 on tablet and laptop.

Back to School - My New School Year Resolutions

The new school year has always felt more like a new year to me than January. A slightly chaotic mix of excitement and trepidation. So this year, I've set a few new (school) year resolutions to help ease us back into the busy school schedule.


Starting Kindergarten - How To Help The First Weeks Go Smoothly (Advice from a Teacher and Other Parents)

Starting kindergarten is a big milestone for every child, (and parent!), so there are bound to be a few nerves. We asked a teacher and fellow parents to share their tips on how to help the first few weeks go smoothly and ensure your child gets off to a great start.


Watch your child's confidence and ability
in math and English grow with Komodo.

Award winning home learning for ages 5 to 11 on phone, tablet and laptop.

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