Eight Math Skills Your Child Will Learn in 2nd Grade
In second grade math, children begin to work with larger numbers and develop a stronger understanding of place value. Students also learn everyday skills like telling time, working with money, and measuring.
We parents can help our children succeed in second grade math by finding out more about what they’re going to learn. Over the year, your child will learn how to:
1. Count within 1,000
Second graders learn to read and write numbers to 1,000. They practice skip counting by 5s, 10s, and 100s as they notice patterns among numbers.
You can also ask your child to verbally skip count by 10s or 100s. Begin by starting at 10 or 100, then challenge your second grader to skip count on from other numbers, such as 60 or 204.
2. Understand place value in three-digit numbers
As kids learn to count within 1,000, they’ll be looking at three-digit numbers more closely. By looking at patterns in numbers, kids start to understand place value.
3. Compare three-digit numbers
After learning about place value and counting within 1,000, second graders will be able to compare three-digit numbers. They will be able to use their knowledge of place value to look at two numbers and tell which one is more or less than the other. Kids will learn how to use the symbols <,>, and = to compare three-digit numbers.
4. Add and subtract within 1,000
In second grade, kids get used to adding and subtracting numbers within 100. They solve one-step and two-step word problems, such as “Timmy had 39 toy cars. He got 12 more, then gave 18 away. How many cars does Timmy have left?”
After working to add and subtract within 100, kids will use their knowledge of three-digit numbers to practice adding and subtracting within 1,000.
5. Measurement
Second graders develop their understanding of measurement by estimating lengths and measuring using different units. They compare lengths, similar to the comparison work they do with numbers, and use addition and subtraction to find out how much longer or shorter objects are.
6. Telling time to the nearest five minutes
In first grade, students were introduced to telling time. Now second graders are able to extend their understanding to tell time to the nearest five minutes. Kids will also be able to tell the difference between AM and PM.
7. Word problems involving money
Second graders will solve lots of word problems involving addition and subtraction, including money problems.
8. Picture and bar graphs
In second grade, your child will learn to use picture and bar graphs with up to four categories.
Have a wonderful time digging into second grade math!
Found this useful? Check out our grade by grade math guides from Kindergarten to 5th grade
Written by Lily Jones, Lily Jones loves all things learning. She has been a kindergarten & first grade teacher, instructional coach, curriculum developer, and teacher trainer. She loves to look at the world with curiosity and inspire people of all ages to love learning. She lives in California with her husband, two kids, and a little dog.
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