Five maths skills your child will learn in Year 1
After Reception, your Year 1 child will be ready for some amazing growth. For many children, Year 1 is the year that they bloom as readers and mathematicians. Get ready to support your child’s mathematical growth by learning about year 1 maths skills.
In Year 1, you can expect your child to learn how to:
1. Count reliably to 100
Now that your child is familiar with numbers up to 20 they will be expected to count, read and write numbers to 100. More importantly they will start to count up in twos, fives and tens. They will also be introduced to writing numbers as words up to 20 - at this stage they will start to see patterns in numbers and recognise odd and even numbers.
2. Begin to measure length, weight and time
In Year 1, kids learn how to measure using rulers and more unusual things like paper clips. After taking measurements, children compare and order objects by length. They will start to understand events in chronological order such as the days of the week and months in a year.
3. Recognise different coins and notes
Students will become familiar with the different types of coins and notes including 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p and should be able to find totals up to 10p.
4. Tell the time to the hour and the half hour
One of the trickiest concepts for Year one students is learning to tell the time. Using analog clocks is confusing, especially when kids are more used to seeing digital clocks. In Year 1, your child will learn about the big and little hands of a clock and will practice telling time to the hour and half hour. They will also be introduced to the seasons of a year in this topic.
5. Use basic fractions such as ¼ and ½
Year Ones will also get an introduction to fractions as equal shares. They will learn how to divide into equal groups and learn basic fractions like ½ and ¼. Kids usually have a good understanding of fairness, so practising making equal shares should be a relatively easy task for them! As well as fractions your Year one learner will become familiar with ¼ and ½ in regards to position and turning.
Found this useful? Check out our year by year maths guides from Reception to Year 4.
About Komodo – Komodo is a fun and effective way to boost primary maths skills. Designed for 4 to 11-year-olds to use in the home, Komodo uses a little and often approach to learning maths (20 minutes, three to five times per week) that fits into the busy routine. Komodo users develop fluency and confidence in maths – without keeping them at the screen for long.
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