In Year 1, all children in England take a phonics check. It's not a test, and it's nothing that parents or children can really prepare for. It simply allows schools to check that pupils have learned phonics to an appropriate standard for their age.


A parents' guide to the Key Stage 2 SATs

A parents' guide to the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum assessments (SATs) for 10 and 11 year olds in England. What they are, how parents can help and how to understand the results.


Number formation

The correct way to write numbers, the right way to write digits 0-9


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correct uppercase capital letter formation


Lower case letter formation

Forming letters with the right start and end points makes things easier in the long run.


Handwriting and letter formation

As an adult, you may have developed habits in which you form letters differently to the proscribed way, and I'm sure it doesn't hold you back. But trust us when we say that forming letters with the right start and end points makes things easier in the long run.


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with your child for life.

Award winning home learning for ages 5-11 on tablet and laptop.

Handwriting and letter formation

As an adult, you may have developed habits in which you form letters differently to the proscribed way, and I'm sure it doesn't hold you back. But trust us when we say that forming letters with the right start and end points makes things easier in the long run.


All about phonics - an explainer for parents

The individual sounds are called 'phonemes' and the way they look when they are written down (the letter or groups of letters that we use to spell the sound) are called 'graphemes'.


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