Tour de France Cycling Quiz
This year the Tour de France celebrates its 107th anniversary! Setting off from Nice in the South of France, the 22 teams of eight riders finish up a little over three weeks later in Paris after having cycled for a total of 2,156 miles.
Although the race winds around France, (and a little bit of Belgium), the Tour de France is so long that if they started cycling in New York City and travelled the distance of the race in a straight line, they'd make it all the way to Phoenix, Arizona and a bit beyond! !
It's the climb
In the Tour de France, cyclists tackle five different mountain ranges with riders climbing the height of Mount Everest almost four times over the course of the race. Impressive stuff!
Here at Komodo we love our bikes, but could only dream of tackling what these elite riders endure throughout the race.
We also love how much math can be found in a bike: from the angles of the frame to those circular bicycle wheels - there's just so much math in a circle. Try out our quiz to see!
Kids cycle quiz
All ages
Take a closer look at your bicycle wheel. How many spokes are there?
Your bike has a chainring which is attached to your pedals. How many teeth can you count on the chainring? (Pick the biggest if you have more than one)
3. How many gears do you have in total on your bike?
Hint: Use your multiplication skills and multiply your front chainrings by the number of cogs on your back wheel.
4. How far do you travel with each turn of your bicycle wheels?
Check out this video to see how to measure it!
5. Send us a photo of your bike with your answers!
Extra questions for ages 9 -11
6. What is the angle between each of the spokes on your bicycle wheel? Tell us how you figured it out.
7. What is the diameter of your bike wheel?
8. Take your answer to question 3 and divide it by your answer to question 6. What is your answer?
In mathematical language you've just found out the circumference of your wheel divided by the diameter. The circumference of a circle divided by the diameter gives you a special number in mathematics. Do you know what it is called and its value?
Send your answers to hi@komodomath.com by 20 September 2020 to be in with a chance of winning a Hornit nano for your bike!
About Komodo – Komodo is a fun and effective way to boost K-5 math skills. Designed for 4 to 11-year-olds to use in the home, Komodo uses a little and often approach to learning math (20 minutes, three to five times per week) that fits into the busy routine. Komodo helps users develop fluency and confidence in math – without keeping them at the screen for long.
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